engage with your ICP
kickstart your tweets in our community
share your tweets with your friends
Loved by inspiring creators, coaches and small businesses in the space
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The Problems this Tool solves

Tweeting into the void

You pour your heart and soul into your content and get - 1 like. From your best friend. Somehow no one else seems interested. Meanwhile, you see people with a fraction of your expertise (and IQ) get mind-blowing reach with every single tweet they make.


You eagerly created a dream 100 list and started engaging with them daily. After about 3 days, you skipped due to exhaustion. And found yourself still not engaging a week later. You're starting to wonder: how can you make yourself seen by your ICP without being glued to the screen?

Burning out

You're all over the place building your business. You're starting to wonder how to take care of the rest of your life and are close to breaking point. All because you didn't realize you could automate crucial parts of your daily marketing.


Neck pain

Due to manually engaging your neck and maybe your hands too are regularly in pain. While this tool isn't a doctor, it will give you more time for stretching and self-care. Or how about a nice hot bath while your tweets get a kickstart from our community?


Your cat has taken over your desk

And your sofa. I'm sorry, but this tool won't solve that. Since it automates your daily workflows though, your cat just got more time taking naps on your keyboard.

TweetHustler Screenshot

How it works

1. Configure the groups and twitter lists you'd like to engage in.

2. Enter your tweet link you'd like to boost in the groups.

3. Click a button and enjoy your free time to do what matters to you.

Reclaim 3+ hrs/day here

TweetHustler in Action


How can I engage with my ideal customer?

1. create a twitter list and add your ideal customers (ICP) in. This is called a dream 100 list.

2. enter the url for your twitter list into TweetHustler and configure how many likes you'd like to do in the list.

3. let it run daily or even several times a day to get in touch with your ICP. If you pick accounts with little buzz, they'll notice you fast. Start commenting too and soon after you can talk to them in the DMs. You can now make friends or sales, depending on the person you're talking to.

How can I share my tweets with my friends easily?

Get the Tuning Kit to share your tweets with your friends with just one click.

You simply create a private telegram group with your friend and our bot.

With one click from within TweetHustler, you can share your tweet in as many private groups as you like. And if your friends have the tuning kit as well, their TweetHustler will auto repost your tweet within 1 min of you auto posting it in there. And vice versa.

How much growth can I expect?

That depends on your niche, your content and the current size of your X account.

TweetHustler is not a magic solution to get you 100k followers and 1M likes over night (altough this happened to one user).

It takes a few weeks to ramp up your engagement safely by adding a new group every 2-3 days. That way, your organic reach gets amplified and you have your hands free to focus on creating content your audience loves, making connections and building your business.

Which browser do I need for it to work?

We currently support firefox on desktops/laptops. The Firefox mobile app doesn’t currently support custom addons, but we're searching for a creative solution.

Why firefox? Because it means you can let it run in the background and use Chrome or your favourite browser for surfing the internet as you usually do.

You can install firefox on your Windows PC, Mac, Linux, and even on Chromebooks. Get firefox here for free.

Is it safe?

Yes. Many users including myself have been using and enjoying it for more than 2 years now.

TweetHustler impersonates you. This means, the engaging is coming from your personal IP address and is done in a slow, randomized way - which is what a normal human being would do.

Important: do not use Twitter while TweetHustler is running!

Twitter can ban accounts for engaging too fast. I've heard stories of accounts being banned temporarily for engaging too fast manually. Therefore, we made TweetHustler run slowly with random time delays between each action.

TweetHustler also has an optional snail pace now that is even slower. Recommended for accounts that are new to groups.

Will it work for all engagement groups?

Yes, it works for every single Discord engagement group out of the box without the need to invite a bot.

It also works for any Telegram group where TweetHustlerBot is a member. For instance, this includes:

  • All TweetHustler only groups - only TweetHustler users are allowed to engage in here, so you'll enjoy a 100% engagement rate. We've got many exclusive like and RT channels. Free for TweetHustler users of course.
  • Boostcamp
  • Growth Elite Extra
  • Achilles Growth
  • Heracles Growh
  • Theseus Growth
  • + 27 more telegram groups
Does it post my tweet into the groups?

The basic TweetHustler version can post your tweet links into telegram groups. This includes all TweetHustler only groups, Boostcamp, Growth Elite, Achilles Growth, Heracles Growth and Theseus Growth and 25 other telegram groups right now.

It also posts your tweet into every single discord group, when you get the TweetHustler Tuning Kit.

Meaning: click a button and be completely done.

Can I comment at the same time?

No. That would mean that you're in two places at the same time. Twitter does not like this, so do not interact with your twitter account in any way while TweetHustler runs!

Can I test it with a dummy account first?

Sure thing. Within the trial period

  • you can set up a dummy twitter account (simply create a new one),
  • log into it
  • log into discord as well
  • let TweetHustler do its thing

It will like all the tweets from the group with the dummy account you just created.

Please note: if you do this within the same browser you're normally logged in with your twitter account, make sure to delete the cookies first. Or just close the browser and open it again.

While developing, I used the same technique and apparently twitter doesn't like it if you switch between accounts too often (= logging in and out with two different accounts multiple times in a short amount of time) while in the same browser session.

What are the technical requirements?

TweetHustler is a browser addon for desktops or laptops. You'll need

  • a stable internet connection
  • firefox browser
  • your computer should not go to sleep mode (the engaging will pause)
  • twitter should be displayed in english (set your browser to english)
  • stay logged into discord & telegram
  • stay logged into twitter

Please note: currently TweetHustler is not available for smart phones. Recent Firefox mobile updates restrict custom addons. We're currently looking for solutions. DM me if you know a workaround for this.

Can I use the browser while TweetHustler engages?

Yes, just set up a separate firefox profile for TweetHustler. There is a detailed how-to with screenshots in the manual.

Or use Chrome or any other browser you prefer while TweetHustler is busy in firefox.

However, do not use the browser window that TweetHustler engages in. You can pause the engagement action if need be. It will only take a few seconds (it counts down) until the current tweet in the open tab is finished and then it stops. There is a continue button so that TweetHustler can go on engaging when you are ready again.

How can I use the TweetHustler when I need the internet at the same time?
  • use a different browser profile in firefox on the same device. I made a detailed how to including screenshots in the manual.
  • let TweetHustler run in your browser on your laptop, use your browser in your phone to access the internet
  • let TweetHustler run in firefox on your laptop, use chrome on your laptop to access the internet
  • install TweetHustler on an old laptop and use your laptop or phone as usual.
  • pause TweetHustler in your browser, if you just need the browser shortly and then click continue to let the TweetHustler engage again.
Does it always engage with ALL tweets from the last 24h?

TweetHustler has a memory function and knows the last tweet it engaged with. So, TweetHustler will either pick up where you finished last time or engage with the most recent 24 hours’ worth of tweets.

I let TweetHustler run in the morning and then in the evening again. That leads to shorter engagement times for the 24h groups.

What kind of engagement can it do?

TweetHustler can either like only or like & retweet. So TweetHustler does the tedious clicking, and you provide valuable comments.

What kind of engagement rules can TweetHustler fulfill?

We implemented

  • engage with last 24h
  • engage with last 12h
  • engage with last 10h
  • engage with last 8h
  • engage with last 1h (useful for The Growth Syndicate)
  • engage with all tweets today
  • engage with a certain number of tweets (fully modifiable)
  • leave a certain amount of tabs open for commenting
  • like only
  • like entire threads
  • like and retweet (with time delay in between)

If you need other engagement group rules, DM me, we'll happily implement them.

Can it also like threads?

Yes, that's a new feature we added in December 2023. It can like entire threads now so that you can use thread channels in the groups without moving a muscle. TweetHustler will scroll through very slowly as if it's reading and then likes the according tweet in the thread.

Can it auto RT my friends/customers if I have private RT arrangements?

Yes, get the Tuning Kit and you can auto RT your friends and customers within 1 min of them dropping their link into a private telegram group you create.

No more constantly checking your phone to get them fast. It will also like the entire thread in case to give them an extra boost.

And you can also auto post your own tweet link into private telegram groups with one click. So you can share your tweet with your friends easily.

Are there video tutorials?

Yes, you can find the growing list of video tutorials here.

There's also a manual with screenshots and you can always reach out to me on telegram (@productivityHackers) if you need help.

Can I use TweetHustler while managing different Twitter accounts (e.g. for clients)?

Yes, you can do that. There are enterprise licenses available for 2, 5 and 10 managed accounts respectively. Contact me, if you need more.

It's easy to use with multiple accounts:

  • switch your twitter account
  • click the according button in TweetHustler for the twitter account
  • let TweetHustler do the work.
Does this make me a bot or can I still make quality connections?

Of course, you will make quality connections. That's the whole goal! TweetHustler does the tedious clicking, freeing up your time for quality engagements with your friends and network. You’ll have more time to send/answer DMs and to provide valuable comments. I’ve made a lot of great connections via DMs since I use TweetHustler myself.

What about future updates?

Future updates are always included. We will gradually add more functionality to it. The price will go up for future members - but not for you. Buy now and lock in this low price forever. Remember? You get it now for just $0.30 / free hour of your valuable time.

How much does it cost?

The basic TweetHustler version costs only $29/month. That includes auto posting in telegram groups.

You can also get the Tuning Kit for TweetHustler to add

  • auto posting in ALL discord groups for only $9/month on tier 1
  • auto RTing your friends and clients plus auto posting in all discord groups for only $19/month on tier 2.

So you can have the most powerful TweetHustler there is for only $29+$19 = $48/month

Check out the Tuning Kit here.

Is there a free trial?

There was one, but we had to remove it since it got abused.

But you can use code 'TweetHustlerTrial' at checkout to get 50% off in your first month to try things out.

Can I cancel anytime?
Of course. I doubt you'll want that after you get a taste of freedom though!


Trusted by people like you
Mindtutorials_ Profile Pic


I TOTALLY recommend using TweetHustler.

It saves so much time over my day and is really easy to use.

The owner @prodHackers is such a great person to talk to and helped me a ton at the beginning.

Big thanks for this amazing tool!

Wealthy_Hub Profile Pic


Thanks to TH, my X handle growth has skyrocketed in a few months, connected me to new friends, new experiences and most importantly I have reclaimed valuable time for innovation and expansion.

TH is truly a game changer!

JackedAecus Profile Pic


Your friend JackedAecus here. It's been a while that I've been using TweetHustler and man... what have you created?

The hard part (engaging manually) is gone and now I can put that time into creating good content.

It has an insane amount of value - now I can't even imagine my Twitter journey without it! Thanks my man! You're the real G!

RealmofWisdom_ Profile Pic


Hey man, this tweethustler tool is awesome.

I wear glasses so looking at screens too long gives me a headache.

But now I can let tweethustler take care of tweeting for me, so I can read some books, spend time with the fam, all that.

Tweethustler's the boss, keeping people in line with the rules. If everyone had this thing, we'd get crazy engagement on our tweets!

Thanks for the tool man.

MindWisdomMoney Profile Pic


I wouldn't be where I am without it at well over 270k followers.

In the beginning at 1k, 3k, 5k followers I was close to burning out and giving up. I was spending too much time for such little results.

When the TweetHustler was developed it literally solved my issues overnight.

I went from burning out to having so much more time and as a bonus growing exponentially too. It has changed my life and I couldn't recommend it highly enough. It has changed the game forever. Thank you.

TheConquerMM Profile Pic


Bro, Tweethustler is freaking amazing!!

Previously most of my time went to catching up in engagement groups and was not able to focus more on creating quality content.

But now with the help of TweetHustler, daily I am getting 1-2 hours of free time which I can use on creating content and helping my audience.

Getting TweetHustler is a no-brainer.

User's Results
RealmofWisdom Statistics RealmofWisdom Statistics
@RealmofWisdom_'s remarkable results after using TweetHustler only and posting several times a day.

Simple and transparent Pricing

Charged monthly. You can cancel any time.

Get 2 months for free when you choose yearly


TweetHustler BASIC


VAT excl.

TweetHustler Basic

kickstart your tweets in our exclusive TweetHustler only groups

engage in twitter lists

auto post your tweets into telegram groups

auto post your tweets into discord groups

auto RT your friends & customers

auto post your tweets into private RT groups

kickstart your tweets in other groups

use in as many groups as you like

for 1 twitter account

snail pace for extra slow engagement (= more safety)

blacklist accounts you don't want to engage with

Tuning Kit for TweetHustler


VAT excl.

TweetHustler Basic is required

auto post your tweets into discord groups

auto RT your friends & customers

auto post your tweets into private RT groups

Growth Package


VAT excl.

get +5,000 organic followers to gain more authority (it usually takes about 30 days, but we'll work for you until you reach your follower goal)

we help you to optimize your profile to maximise your conversion

Step-by-step guidance on crafting repost-worthy content, complete with examples and analysis.

you'll learn strategic growth tactics that most people don't know

Borrow our audience of multi-million followers to get the reach you deserve